Friday, 7 October 2011

How do I Change A Format Of Video ?

i Made This Video on Windows Maker and when I tryed to upload to youtube it kept saying invalid format i just want a fast easy way to change format so i can put it on youtube.How do I Change A Format Of Video ?If you鈥檙e using Windows Movie Maker, there is

the possibility that you mistakenly saved your

video as an MSWMM file with %26quot;Save Project%26quot;,

instead of a WMV or AVI file with %26quot;Save Movie

File%26quot; (Windows XP) or %26quot;Publish Movie%26quot; (Vista).

There is a monster of a difference between the

1st example and the rest: the 1st is simply just

a %26quot;work-in-progress%26quot; saved within Movie Maker

and is not even a %26quot;true%26quot; video. The others save

your file into what you need to properly upload

it to YouTube.

The most efficient way to save your video such

that you can upload it is:

1 -- click the blue %26quot;Tasks%26quot; icon.....(you'll get the %26quot;Movie Tasks%26quot; menu)

2 -- click %26quot;Finish Movie%26quot;, the 3rd option.....(it will expand to 5 choices)

3 -- click %26quot;Save to my Computer%26quot;.....(the %26quot;Save Movie%26quot; wizard appears)

4 -- enter the name of your movie.....(it is best to stay in %26quot;My Videos%26quot;)

5 -- click %26quot;Next%26quot; at the bottom.....(you'll get the %26quot;Movie Setting%26quot; page)

6 -- click %26quot;Best quality for playback%26quot;.....(it's usually the default setting)

7 -- click %26quot;Next%26quot; at the bottom.....(you will get the %26quot;Completing%26quot; page)

8 -- click %26quot;Finish%26quot; at the bottom.....(the saving may take quite a while)

9 -- repeat steps 1,2 and click %26quot;Send to Web%26quot;.....(you know this part)

YouTube's ideal video format/compression

is actually %26quot;MPEG4 at 640x480 resolution

with sound in MP3 audio%26quot; -- all recorded at

a rate of more than 24 frames per second.

However, also accepted are video files that

are AVI, MOV and WMV, the last of which

is Windows Movie Maker.

Here are the key references with their URL

web addresses written out in full, followed

by their direct links:

What does %26quot;invalid file format error%26quot; mean?

www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en %26amp; answer = 58128鈥?/a>

Difference between %26quot;projects%26quot; and %26quot;movies%26quot;

windows help . microsoft . com / Windows / en - US / Help / 4cad 2674 - 4d43 - 4751 -

9b0d - 3ba8 febd a8d6 1033 . mspx鈥?/a>

Saving your video so that you can upload it

www . microsoft . com / windows xp / using / movie maker / create / save to pc . mspx鈥?/a>

YouTube's ideal video format/compression

www . google . com / support / youtube / bin / answer . py ? hl = en %26amp; answer = 91450鈥?/a>

I hope my answer is a little helpful for you.
How do I Change A Format Of Video ?
You probably saved it as a WMM project, You have to go to file%26gt; Save as movie. then check a few things, and let it save.
How do I Change A Format Of Video ?
I've made these YouTube videos to answer questions just like yours.

Please check them out: (Jump to Part 2)

How to YouTube - Part 1鈥?/a>

How to YouTube - Part 2鈥?/a>

Movie Maker Tips:鈥?/a>

Movie Maker Titles %26amp; Credits:鈥?/a>
Use Moyea video converter.

Get it and have a try:鈥?/a>

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